Recently Willie asked our community about our “why”.
When you lack the motivation to get to the gym, to make every rep count, to have great form and technique when it’s easier to let things slack, when you don’t want to eat healthy, what is the motivation that keeps you going and coming back to CrossFit 3040?
Our community did not disappoint in their eagerness to answer their why.
I miss my athletic self. I grew up lifting weights and working out, so therefore, I really enjoy lifting and a workout that leaves sweat dripping from your eyebrows. It’s satisfying. Therefore my first why is getting back to a body that allows me to really push myself and eventually do all of those things I want to do, like double-unders, pull-ups, and oh, I don’t know…squat like everyone else. My why to eat the right thing? I could list a million reasons why I’ve changed the way I eat; to lose weight, better blood work, etc., but the basic reason it’s easy to eat eggs and kale in the morning, and not something buttery and flaky is because I FEEL BETTER. In the last two months our household has really worked to make sure 70% of our plate is vegetables and also cut out processed foods. We’ve seen a significant reduction in our Advil intake, and we just feel better. Like the fog has lifted.
I’ll be honest, this was hard. Not because I’m afraid to share. My weight and my lifestyle changes have been a long journey, and I’ll tell anyone who wants to know about it, ugly parts and all. This was challenging because I have so many Whys, it’s hard to list them all.
My why has evolved since I started CrossFit. At first it was to lose weight and be healthier. Then I discovered how awesome being strong was and the satisfaction of being able to make your body do things you couldn’t do before. Then it was because the community at 3040 are my friends, I enjoy working out, and the gym is where I want to be in my free time. I think all of these things are my current why and I’ll just keep adding to the list. I’m going to tag Tessa Hairell and Jason Jacobs… I’d also like to point out that even though Willie started this he did not give his why.
My why has definitely changed over the years. I first started following in June 2009 while looking for something new to do in the gym. In 2010 I started working out at a local affiliate after running in the Warrior Dash and not being as good as I wanted. For a while I was really into the mud runs/obstacle races and did CrossFit to be more competitive at those. Then I found out about the competitive side of CrossFit and caught the bug. For the past 7 years the primary reason I CrossFit or train in Weightlifting has been for competitive purposes. I was not an athlete growing up, weighed only 175# when I got out of college, wasn’t good at any sports, or had the best coordination. CrossFit helped develop me into the aging “athlete” that I am today. My other why is that my wife is a Bad Ass and I don’t like her beating me in Met-Cons and I don’t want her to outlift me, so I have to keep pushing myself.
My why’s have changed and morphed in their nuances but My “WHY”….this requires a little backstory. In my glory days I was athletic and was able to do just about anything I wanted without too much thought. I tried jiu jitsu and was decent. I tried soccer ad I was decent. Then life. We had three kids, I was working 70 hours a week landscaping and it wasn’t important. In September 2012 my 2 year old son passed away from a degenerative disease. Before he died he was special needs and my only goal was to let him live and experience everything possible. One of the things I took away from his life and attitude is I need to live. Live every day and experience all I can. I workout so I can experience life. I like to go hiking. I like to challenge myself in endurance races. I like to work hard to lift more weight. I live and workout because he couldn’t. Also…Willie. I have developed a friendship with him that I value. I enjoy any time I am around him…in spite of his “tough love” sometimes.
Why? I wanted to give CrossFit a try to force Cardio back into my workout routine. Years of playing competitive soccer combined with traditional globo gym weight training started to leave me feeling stagnant. I needed something to give me a swift kick in the ass! I am also very stubborn and that is not good in this sport. I know I need to STFU, suck up my pride, and re-focus my energy on improving my #1 glaring weakness …. MOBILITY! It definitely can be defeating after getting thoroughly trucked every day at work, looking forward to kicking ass at the gym to alleviate the mental drain, and then not performing to your own expectations/potential because you are not as mobile/flexible as you need to be to properly execute the movement.
So WHY do I keep coming back in day after day? Honestly …. I want to be able to “feel” half as good as a guy over twice my age Bryant Stavely. This guy is an inspiration on what it means to take care of your body (especially from a flexibility/mobility/strength perspective). Ultimately …. I know what I need to do …. Be patient, work every single day on my mobility (NO exceptions), improve my diet, and listen to my Coaches …. These are all things I can control …. Now it’s up to me to do it!
My why has also evolved since I started CrossFit. I have always been an athlete and grew up working out and lifting weights. Once I heard about CrossFit I loved the idea of being able to workout with others, like a team again. I missed the camaraderie and motivation of having teammates and I found that at CrossFit 3040. I absolutely LOVE our community. I wouldn’t be where I am now without the help of some of these amazing athletes that I now call friends. But then my why changed when I saw and realized what I was capable of doing. It became so much more than just a way to stay active. I felt and looked stronger, healthier, and more confident than I had ever been. And people were noticing!! It soon became a way of life. Not only do I do it for myself but I do it for Emma. I bring her with me so she can see that staying healthy and being active is important. And that hard work really does pay off.
The original “why” that kept me going was that I didn’t want to be unhealthy anymore. I was overweight and had high cholesterol at 19. Now that I am healthy and happy with myself, my why is a little different. It’s about my own growth and strength. 3040 is a place that allows me to grow and pushes me in ways I wouldn’t on my own. I feel stronger, both mentally and physically, because of crossfit. I think of how much I’ve changed and how much room there is for improvement. That’s what keeps me going now.
My original reason why was to lose weight. Crossfit was cheaper than a personal trainer (fun on a budget!). Now my why is to be better than I was yesterday and be the example to my kids. There are also so many life lessons they get to SEE in action by being in the gym… Hard Work Pays Off, If at first you don’t succeed, progress doesn’t happen overnight, Always give your best, etc. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE the community and watching people grow – getting to cheer everyone’s successes is also one of my whys.
Health has been my biggest reason for doing CrossFit. A few years ago, I was weighing in at about 230 pounds. Considering that my family has a history of both diabetes and high blood pressure, I made the decision that I would never find myself on an operating table. I picked up running and healthy eating and I got rid of most of the weight but I still felt like I was 230 pounds. One of my good friends in NJ has always talked about the life-changing effects of CrossFit so I gave it a shot. Not only do I feel healthier, I feel much more confident in myself. I’m glad that I’m part of this dope (meaning awesome for those who have never used the word dope before) community!
I wanted to lose the weight I gained, be motivated to do cardio (the struggle), but also be happier about my life choices…
My why? I guess I have 2 answers. First is just having the ability to compete in an athletic environment. Ever since high school I had been trying to find a place to feed my competitive nature, and build a camaraderie with a group of people to better ourselves. CrossFit did that for me. Second, my profession. Fire fighting is one of the few professions where your physical ability can be the difference between life and death at times. I feel I owe to my brothers and the citizens I serve to put myself in the best possible shape I can to perform my duties to the best of my ability.
I choose CrossFit over other gyms/workouts because of the competitive environment, the feeling of being back on a team, and the incredible coaching (at 3040 specifically because not all CrossFit Gyms are created equal) When I’m at other gyms (LA Fitness etc) by myself I feel like I have no idea what I’m doing and that everyone is judging me…and I DEFINITELY don’t push myself
It’s just more fun in general…I truly enjoy lifting and I’m always really proud of myself when I get a new PR or conquer a movement for the first time!! I hate feeling like a weak little girl…I LOVE feeling strong- that look on the guys faces at the pet store when I toss that GIANT bag of dog food over my shoulder like it’s nothing is PRICELESS
I love surrounding myself with strong beautiful women that I can look up to…I want to be a bad-ass mom like some of you ladies one day setting an amazing example for my kid(s) #Goals
The family I feel like we have at the gym has gotten me through some pretty tough stuff…you don’t get that anywhere else
As corny as this it’s also something I enjoy doing together with my husband…even if we aren’t there at the same time doing the same workout, it’s something we can talk about and share in each others little victories and frustrations…
I have never been athletic. Dreaded PE and recess at school. I would try different workouts and gyms in the past because “exercise is good for me”, but never could stick with anything very long. I had given up and then with some friends someone got the stupid idea to do the Warrior Dash. That’s when I decided to try CrossFit to get some upper body strength and was going to do it just long enough for the Dash. Well I fell in love with CrossFit and the Warrior Dash never happened. I love weightlifting and the varied workouts. I love that no matter how bad I suck at any of it, no one judges me, but instead encourage me. The community makes me want to do better. I am encouraged every time I get a PR even if it’s one that doesn’t really qualify for the board. Since moving to 3040 I have gotten better through Willie’s coaching and I feel more a part of the community. There are days I literally have to force myself to leave.
My “why” today is embracing something that makes me happy, even if not many people understand it. I’ve never stuck with a hobby this long. Everything is measurable. Maybe I didn’t PR, but I became more consistent or I can do more reps or I finally fixed one of the hundreds of things I need to fix. Every little step makes me keep going and makes me a little happier.
I have always wanted to be strong. I have had lower back issues since I was 22. My back used to hurt every single day. I tried multiple fitness regimes, running, dvd workouts, kickboxing, yoga, but wasn’t motivated enough to stick through any of those. I have been “skinny fat” all my adult life and I decided that I wanted to gain muscle strength. It’s been a year and a half since I have been doing crossfit and I totally love it. My constant back ache is gone. I feel stronger and healthier. I want to set an example for my little girls.
My “why” is mainly two reasons also. Number one- I want to remain healthy so that I can see my kids grow up and old. I would like to see my future grandkids and how my kids lives turn out. It’s little things like watching Trent grow into a man and seeing what he does in the military one day. Also I can’t wait to walk my little girl down the aisle in 30-40 yrs lol!
Number two- Same as Chris, my profession requires me to be athletic and only I am responsible for making sure I stay healthy. I owe it to my guys and the citizens I serve, one day it could really mean life or death. There is a reason they call firefighters “industrial athletes”!!!!
My why? Crossfit is my antidepressant. It feeds my mind body and soul. It holds me accountable in all areas of my life.
When I started out, my “why” was to lose the stubborn weight that I gained due to hypothyroidism. But joining crossfit 3040 has evolved that “why” to getting stronger. The day it clicked in my mind that life was not about losing weight but getting stronger was a a game changer for me. Even the definition of getting stronger has changed – before crossfit it was just to lift heavier, now it is lift heavier, run longer, jump higher, build endurance, be able to do gymnasty stuff and the list goes on. Not being very athletic or involved in sports growing up, I feel like a kid in a candy store at crossfit. I have so much to learn and so less time. And the incredible inspiration I see on display everyday by watching the amazing athletes at the gym is a blessing.
My other big “why” is that crossfit keeps me sane. Its not just helping me physically but mentally to be happier and more in control of my moods. Its like therapy that I can’t do without.
My why has evolved with the years I have been doing Crossfit. Initially I started because I wanted to be stronger. I could cardio all day, but give me a barbell and I was weak. I hate weakness and that had to go.
After I had Ella, I had to focus on regaining my strength and endurance that was lost. Eventually I found my way to 3040.
Now I want to be a good example of an active, strong and healthy woman for my daughter. I want to be able to take care of myself if something were to happen. I am a naturally competitive person and Crossfit gives me that outlet to release my frustration and have some mental peace. I love learning new skills and setting new goals.
My why before was only to lose weight and fight depression. I was intimidated of the gym machines, I didn’t know what to do or how should I started.. So I found a boot camp that leaded me to crossfit … “I finally got into something I could do due the scaled version of it .. yaay ”
my why today is my release from the stress at everyday life. If I am frustrated, angry, or just under a lot of pressure, working out helps calm my nerves. It gives me an outlet for all my emotions and makes me generally happier. It also gives me confidence. Confidence not only in my body, but also after I survive a really tough workout, I feel like because I could do that, I can accomplish any task put in front of me.
It allows me to push my body to the limit, and there is nothing better than seeing the transformation your body can make. Consistently taking your workout to the next level and putting in hard work pays off in the end. I love pushing my body and doing things I never thought I could do. Definitively My self esteem improved, also exercise makes you age gracefully.
One of the things I love of Crossfit is definitively the community,The Environment is Intentionally Designed to Motivate You, The People There Become Your Friends. We all do the same crazy difficult workouts at different times and paces, which have bonded us into more than fellow gym-goers, or runners.
Just like most, my Why has evolved as well. Gotta be honest, most of the time there really isn’t a reason as to why I do this. It’s really all I have ever known. Sport and fitness has been a deep rooted passion of mine since I was a small girl. There isn’t a place in this world I feel more like myself than when I’m pushing my body to its limits. With that being said, Crossfit and Weightlifting actually gave me a different kind of why than you would think. My entire life I placed my value as a person on how I could perform. How well I did became the measurement of how good of a person I was. And boy was I wrong. I learned some hard lessons from this sport after it chewed me up and spit me out. My why is simple…because I want to and because I chose to be here no matter how crappy Or great I do. That’s all I need. I don’t need it to fulfill me or make me feel whole anymore. Another big reason why I am here is because I find huge fulfillment watching my husband doing something he is passionate about. Watching him realize his dream has been so rewarding. Doing this together with him is a big part of my why.
CrossFit gives me the hope that I can continue being an active person through my entire life. I see so many bad things that happen medically to those who are fat, unhealthy and inactive.
Ok, I could go on forever with how blessed I am by finding Crossfit and the constant evolution of my why.
I wake up every morning to go to the gym because of the energy and the improved mood that I gain throughout the day. Exercise is medicine and I love to practice what I preach. I also want be able to inspire others to be active and show them that change IS achievable. I want to be a role model for all my patients, family, and friends. It all starts with your mindset and getting rid of that negative self talk that we’re all guilty of. I didn’t always “look” fit or have the right mindset; growing up I had low self esteem and was always the “chubby kid” on the soccer team. I still have a lot to work on but I have definitely come a long way. Crossfit has made me mentally more tough than I had ever imagined. I see Crossfit as a perfect analogy for life. It all comes down to mental strength. Anything that you want to achieve, you have to start with the right mindset and work hard toward your goals. Every. Single. Day.
My why is a combination between a desire to be stronger than yesterday and a desire to keep learning more about the human body so I can be a better chiropractor, the skills that are required by the sport have always fascinated me and I love to learn so I can help others any way I can also be better, whether that is helping with an injury or correcting a movement pattern so that better performance can be achievable.
I always loved being part of a team and I didn’t have that after getting out of sports. I lost weight and got healthier but I lost muscle when that happened and I didn’t realize it till I saw pictures of myself. I was working out but never knew what to do at LA Fitness other than running and a few random machines. Willie had actually offered to me to come over a year before I actually did and I finally realized that it might be something I would enjoy. I had heard from people you already needed to be in shape and be a great athlete to be able to do CrossFit and I think we all know now that isn’t true. I wanted to build muscle but to really physically be in shape. I was so unhealthy for so long I wanted some of that time back. I am at the point in my life where most people go downhill and stop taking care of themselves and I don’t want that to happen. In fact, I want the opposite to happen.
My “why” is to keep my mind and my body active and healthy. The why has changed over the years but being active is just part of life. Feeling my body move and realizing that i am stronger then i think keeps me sane. I love coming to 3040, i feel happy when i see my beautiful daughter being such an amazing adult and giving my son in law a little grief is great too. I love them both so much.
My why is 1st. Because is a lot of fun, couldn’t go back to a regular gym. 2nd. I love the feeling of being able to do things I never thought I could 3rd. Because it keeps sane. The adrenaline rush is irreplaceable. 4th. I love the feeling of being fit and pushing myself to my best everyday. 5th. The mental aspect has taught me a lot of things about myself. I can also apply those to other areas of my life. 6th. Love being stronger than yesterday.
My why for joining 3040 is pretty simple… I owe it to my job, the guys I work beside and the citizens i work for to be in the best shape I can absolutely be in. Just like my brother and Chris have said, being in shape could be the difference in us making it home or not.
But now why is slowly but surely changing from just doing it because I had to get in shape to get a job to working out every day because I thoroughly enjoy it. I never thought I would plan my day around going to the gym but here I am and it’s awesome!!
Thanks Gio! My why when I started was to start something that was totally out of my comfort zone..Starting crossfit and showing up to class is the best decision I have made..the other reason is definitely because I get to be a part of an awesome community..that’s so supportive and encouraging!
My why for me has changed. Before I started Crossfit I was running half marathons and working out at LA Fitness making no progress. My wife had been at Crossfit 3040 for a year and her biceps were bigger than mine. So one night as I was putting on my running shoes to go for a run which I didn’t want to do- I decided it would suck less than the six mile run I was about to do- it didn’t because we did Karen for the Metcon and I kept losing count- but it thrilled me that after everyone was finished they were cheering me on, and even though I wanted to quit so bad I kept pushing myself to finish, and that’s what I needed- the peer pressure to do better and to finish without giving up.
At first it was to lose weight, but after I started to be able to lift more than I ever thought I could I was addicted and Crossfit became a priority in life. In my work in IT I constantly get problems that I have to fix- there is sleep on it or get someone else to fix it- it’s my problem. Crossfit helps give me the discipline that I need to work through those problems- especially at 3am when I’ve been up for 20 hours and my body just wants to sleep.
Crossfit has taught me I need to take better care of my body- for 30 years I sat in a chair in front of a computer and ate ice cream and drank coke like it was water- needless to say I learned I can’t eat like that and expect to workout the next day or have any results except an early death.
I’m in my fourth year in Crossfit- and I still don’t like overhead squats or snatch days- but I show up and give it my best regardless. I plan my day around Crossfit- it’s essential like eating, going to work and going to Church.
My “why” is because I was an overweight young 23 year old mother looking for something to help me climb out of a black hole where I felt trapped. I kept hearing about Crossfit classes on tv. I went to a class and my life completely changed. To be honest I wasn’t ever very athletic, even at Zumba. I found Crossfit and started to find another side of myself that I didn’t know existed. I realized I was capable of things I never imagined and discovered that every little brings me so much satisfaction like my children telling other people I do Crossfit and seeing them proud of me. I’m better everyday. May 1st has been two years at 3040 and I have many memories, one of them being the 5k on my very first day.
Why crossfit? I don’t know why. Just happens that I went to CF one day and really liked the atmosphere and the feel. Everyone was really helpful and encouraging and pushing each other.
When I moved to Dallas, since we stayed in Grapevine, I thought of giving Grapevine Crossfit a try. But did not get the same feeling as what I got when I first tried Crossfit 3040. Willie is a great coach and also the atmosphere is relaxed and laid back.
My why is because after having my first son I couldn’t shake the weight off and going to a gym was not motivation enough. I never knew what exercises to do, I had no direction. After doing one CrossFit class I was hooked, I’m still a working progress but I’m getting there.
Donuts are my why, well that and tacos, and pasta, and well you get the idea. Basically I love food, and I needed a way to sustain my eating habits and my pants size at the same time. But seriously, I was approaching the big 40 last year and decided it was time to jump into the deep end of the pool after a while of thinking about it, and deciding “in a few weeks” I’ll give it a shot. I just came to the realization that I wasn’t getting any younger, so I should do something that would challenge me, and who knows, maybe help me live a longer healthier life. Plus I just love donuts…
My WHY: basically nothing had ever worked for me…tough to stay motivated doing it all alone. I went to my brothers Crossfit gym in Houston and everyone was so welcoming in my visit! I almost died that day LOL. His coach told me “u know u have the same genes as ur brother right”…my brothers body change had been nothing short of EPIC! So I interviewed Willie in Oct 2013…and finally got started Jan 2014. By the end of Feb I had gained 5 lbs and was ready to quit! Willie talked me into Whole30…which I did for Lent 2014 for 47 days and SAW THE RESULTS I WANTED! There was no turning back! Love the group and team aspect of the gym and we all keep each other going in a workout and coming back for more the next day! Last I checked (and it’s been 1.5 yrs probably) I have lost 65 lbs of fat and gained 35 lbs of muscle! I’LL TAKE IT, and keep going!
It’s taken me awhile to respond to this because honestly I’ve been struggling the last month with my “why”. At first I did it because I wanted to lose weight and become healthier. 6 years ago I weighed in at 250lbs, smoked, and had not worked out since PE class in grade school. Through diet and exercise I was able to drop the weight. I also quit smoking. Once I joined a gym I just fell in love with the process. I became stronger and fitter than I ever had in my life. Recently though I felt like that had changed. Injury after injury and not much progression over the last several months I was starting to get discouraged. That is until I read these amazing posts and stumbling across these pictures the other night. It has reminded me of why I started my journey and passion for wanting to become stronger every day. I do this because I am strong…I do this because I can…I do this to live a longer healthier life for me and my children.